Sunday, May 16, 2010

Racism in Indonesia

I'm not really sure about this entry, but it's something I want to document. I think some if the incidents were me looking for them, but enough to make me think.  I haven't experenced racism anywhere near for me to feel completely victimized, so I can't speak on that behalf either ... (I love how I feel like I have to put a disclaimer on my own blog when I'm probably the only one who's going to read it).

The guy at immigration when I landed in Indonesia told me to tell everyone that I am from Japan.  It was a strange warning, but after reading a bit about Indonesia's politics, there is a bit of anti-west mentality floating around.

When I was getting on the bus at Probolinggo to get to Surabaya, the driver grabbed my arm and asked me, "where are you come from?"  I told him Japan and he looked slightly relieved as I got on.  I don't know what would have happened if I had said America.  Maybe nothing ... or I would have been charged an extra 10 cents.

When I was at the information counter at Surabaya airport, I told the guy I was from Japan when he contacted our hotel.  I didn't hear Japan or America at all in his conversation, but when we got to the hotel, I showed the clerk my US passport and he suddenly became leas helpful and welcoming.

Aside from that, there's not much I can remember, and I'm writing this in my last day, but those incidents were enough to keep me cautious about flashing my passport around.  I don't think it's a huge problem to be American here, but in the same story, it's better to keep a little more quiet.  

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