We spent all morning and afternoon in the water today. Scuba diving isn't as difficult as I thought, but it has it's moments. The training includes taking off your unit under water, compass navigation, what happens if your air tank fails, how to clear your mask of water, how to keep your lungs from bursting. Everyone you take a deep breath, you start to rise and sink when you let it out. Today, Mazlan taught us how to stay perfectly level by controlling out breathing. He taught us, but actually being able to do it was a different story. After I leveled out, I looked up and saw Josie about 10 feet (3m) above me.
Again we saw lots of fish and marine life. There was Nemo protecting his anemone, more ugly, yet mesmerizing sea slugs, small sting rays, a pufferfish (the Japanese in me wanted to eat it) and many more.

When you want to burp or fart, the training book says to go ahead and do it, but in reality, the water pressure does something to your air pockets and it's very hard to let out.

Tomorrow, we're going to go out on a boat for our first real open water dive. It's supposed to be one of the 10 best spots in the world (but I think all places say that).
Do you pee and shit in your suit, too?